Looking back at the first month of 2010. The lime light of the month was "The Samanvay 2010". Once again KIAMS welcomed back all the Alumni right from Batch 1 till Batch 10. It was an amazing sight where all the memories were rejuvenated and all the relations re-existed. It was the day to cherish. It was the 23rd day of jan 2010 which witnessed this historic day. The day started with the breakfast in the same old Mess", followed by interaction session of alumni with the current batch (B 12). After the interaction it was the time for KIAMS FLAG HOISTING. In the mean while it is worth mentioning that the Batch 12 were well praised for all their decorations work and the event. Thanks to the entire Batch 11 and Batch 12, mainly to our ALUMNI REPS, GULMOHAR REPS AND THE CULTURAL REPS. It was the honour to have Mr.M.N.Prasad - Head Technical, L&T KOMATSU, Bangalore as the Chief Guest of the event. Mr.Prasad delivered a very dynamic and motivating speech, besides answering various student queries. It was amazing to witness the students from all the batches together. Whole KIAMS was looking energetic, happy and in dancing and dashing mood. The college was so well decorated, that it looked like the bride in all its colours. Formally the day ended with the dancing party at the triangle, but it seems as if the day is still going on, those happy voices still shrouding every nook and corner of the campus and those happy moments still cherished... THANKS to all our Alumni for making this day a wonderful experience for all of us... to be contd...
24 Th Jan - celebrated as the KIAMS OLYMPIC DAY - "ASHWAMEDHA". (more updates later)
26 Th Jan - The Republic day was celebrated with all the honour and pride. The Tri Colour was saluted by all the budding managers and the faculty. After Flag hoisting by Air. Cmde. KRISHNA SHANKAR - Deputy Director KIAMS, the energetic and Patriotic speech was delivered by Ms. Nishtha and Mr. Sangram ( students B 12).
Back to work..
31st Jan - well, one more "strategic" day when dead lines had to be met. It was the last day for the submission of GI's Industry Integration Report for B 12 ( last day for getting + 1 marks as bonus, and submitting report after 31st means -1 daily, that is why a "strategic" day. )
The 31st jan 23:59:59 , when almost all the groups had submitted the Industry Integration report marked the end of this happening month of the Year.
With Feb 1st and Pragati 2010 at the top most gear.. Let s hope for the best and forget the Rest.. :-)
Basharat Abass
on behalf of The KIAMS FAMILY..
All the best for Pragati guys... have fun and work hard.. : )
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy :-) it z really the mix of fun and work... !!
ReplyDelete@basharat - if given an option try to stay at the grounds on the night before pragati.. you'll have the time of your life ; )